Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Something to think about...

Assala-mu-alaikum today I am going to be speaking about the feelings of a soldier and I start of by quoting a few lines from Sir Thomas Wyatt’s poem- I Find No Peace. Quote “I find no peace and all my war is done I fear and hope. I burn and freeze like ice.” Unquote.
I’m sure you all already got the shivers down your spine because yes war is a horrible thing, it affects the entire world, and I can only imagine the terrifying experiences that a soldier would face.
Many at times soldiers go to war thinking that they are committing a noble and honorable action for their country, yet they are going forward and killing many innocent people as well as woman and children.
But the trauma and psychological pain that a soldier goes through is deep too. As after a war, you would definitely be scarred for the rest of your life both physically and mentally, knowing that you killed your fellow brother, an expecting mother, a child with a bright future ahead.
How can you live with so much of guilt, so much of pain, a soldier might say that it was unintentional but a must, well I say that no matter what religion, what race, what creed, what sex, we should all stand together and live in unity as at the end of the day not only is the defeated party being hurt, but also the other.
I pray everyday that this time of genocide and brutal killings in the middle east would end for it is not only having an impact on the protagonists and antagonists but on you and I aswell. And these inhuman rulers that are for war should think again as they should consider the lives of the soldiers family, it is not an easy situation to be in knowing that your husband or son is in war and may never return and all the praise and recognition that they have received as a soldier means absolutely nothing as their lives could be snatched away at any second.
I leave you with an image of soldiers being sent off to war with garlands of flowers around their necks as a symbol of honor, yet this may just be the last flowers that they would ever receive.

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