Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Character analysis-Absolem Khumalo

Public Life:
Mixes with criminals (bad company).
Makes his girlfriend fall pregnant.
Commits a murder.
Becomes socially dislocated.

Peoples Perceptions:
He is a murderer just like other blacks.
The city life has corrupted him.
He is nothing like his father.

Private Life:
Does not ill treat his girlfriend in a sense of abuse, etc.
Still reclaims his fundamental decency.People view him to be a criminal

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Audio Assignment.
At first I was really upset and frustrated that we had gotten such an assignment to do, but this was just because of laziness. By writing out my transcript alone gave me a much better understanding of the play- The Merchant Of Venice. After recording myself, I was amazed at how well I could actually present something. This assignment made me learn many things about myself which I wasn’t even aware of in the past. We had also gotten the opportunity of peer marking, which I felt was excellent, as I had identified other skills and interests of my friends, and I thought that they sounded great. This assignment was an awesome learning experience, as it had brought out a side of many of us, which we weren’t aware of in the past.

Collages & Visits To Townships.
This was another very insightful assignment, as it had made us aware of our background as South-Africans, as well as of those who had fought for our freedom. This assignment also made me realise that I am very privileged compared to many other children, and that others have much more worst and major problems then what I do. From this I had also learned that I should be proud of my country and what it had achieved, a democratic country, after the painful years of apartheid. I AM PROUDLY SOUTH-AFRICAN, and had really enjoyed doing this assignment, and I hope to help my fellow citizens in any way that I can, because united, we should stand.
English Subject Evaluation- Term 1
During this time I was still getting use to the new manner in which our English lessons were presented. At first I was abit confused and lost in class and couldn’t cope with the work load, but with help from my pals and most importantly with the help of Mr Sujee, I overcame many of these problems. In this term I also matured alot and started thinking out of the box, as my English lessons were so real, and related to the outside world, unlike in the past. I really started enjoying the English lessons, especially the way in which Mr Sujee presented them. At the end of the term, I was extremely happy with my English mark and was surprised that I achieved a strong ‘B’ symbol, and really looked forward to the next term.

English Subject Evaluation- Term 2
After adjusting so well in the first term, I was actually looking forward to this new term and start doing more work that made me think in a more matured way, as I promised to in the first English period of the year. In this term, the work was more clear, I understood everything and was ready for any assignment or project or any other form of assessment, as Mr Sujee had built a really strong foundation for us in the first term, and made us think in the same manner in which adults did. My marks were once again good, the only mark that I was not very pleased with, was my writing mark, but hopefully this too will improve- Insha Allah.
· I really enjoy the way our English lessons are conducted, as it is not monotonous, nor is it too serious, it’s just on the perfect level of which teenagers enjoy being taught on.
· Mr Sujee, you’re a great teacher and I’m really great full to you for making me aware of certain skills that I have which were overlooked in the past. I feel that I have really matured in your class, in the way I think and act, and just want to thank you for that- May Allah reward you, ameen.